Do you know how your money is spent in a planned community? Your Homeowner Association is a Non-Profit Corporation. However, an Association is many time subject to the same expenses as any other business entity. Here is a brief list of how your annual payment contributes to the community:
Grounds keeping maintenance (lawn service) of common area owned by the Association
Snow removal - mailbox clearing (optional)
City streets are maintained by the City of CDA
Electricity for common area lighting, and irrigation timers
Irrigation costs to water your community lawn areas
Maintenance & repair of common area irrigation
Maintenance & pruning of the common trees
Repair & maintenance of the community monuments, perimeter common area fencing
Contributions to the community's savings account for unexpected/capital expenses
Homeowner dues are an essential part in maintaining your property value. When assessments are not paid, this creates a decline in services and a financial hardship on the Association's ability to maintain the community assets.